Red Twig Dogwood

Cornus Alba

Cornus stolonifera 1 (5098090536)

Plant Info and Care


Serious year-round interest in one hardy shrub. Clusters of white flowers in the spring. Flowers fade to pretty white berries. But the real show stopper is in the winter, when you expect a drab yard, they put on a fiery show of color with their bright red stems contrasting against the snow.

Plant in a place that is easily viewed from a window to see this top-notch winter landscape specimen. Cut stems make beautiful holiday arrangements.

For maximum vigor, prune out 1/3 of the older branches every three years to promote new red growth. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth starts.

Can grow up to 10 feet but may be trimmed for shape or an outstanding hedge. moderately susceptible to summer leaf spot while getting established. Make sure to water adequately from the ground, not overhead.

Lighting: Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: 7-9′
Spread: 4-6′
Hardiness: Zone 2-8
Growth Rate: Medium

Planting & Care: Dig hole twice the width of pot. Loosen soil and roots on the bottom of the root ball. Don’t plant too deep. Plant level with surrounding soil. Cover area with 3″ of mulch. Keep mulch 5″ away from trunk. Water in well. Keep a regular watering schedule throughout the first growing season to establish good roots.

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