free gardening guide

Do you want your yard to be beautiful but don’t know where to start?

There are TOO many options and you’re not sure exactly how to make it uniquely you?

If this sounds like what you’re going through, read my…

Free Gardening Guide

Check out what’s inside!

  1. The Planning Phase
    What questions you should ask yourself before you design a garden.
  2. Design Tips
    Learn the 5 basic components of landscape design.
  3. Plant Choices & Garden Plans
    Our five Top Choice plants for each category, Large shrubs, perennials, shade plants, border plants and container annuals. Plus 2 predesigned garden plans to start you off.
  4. Garden and Soil Preparation
    Learn simple methods of weed removal to prepare your garden beds and how to get great soil.
  5. Installation and Maintenance
    You have one chance to plant your plants, learn how to do it right, and how to get them through their first year.


Pruning Burning Bush

Pruning Burning Bush

Three tools were needed in pruning this burning bush. A lopper, hand pruners and a pruning saw. The first step is to cut out the dead and unhealthy branches. Then work bottom up. Remove the branches from the crown at the bottom to give the bush a nice vase shape. When cutting branches, cut close, but not flush up against the main stem. Look through the bush for branches that are crossing, or areas of growth that are too crowded. You want to make space for air and light to reach all areas of the bush. If you bring the height down a few feet, trim at the nodes. If you want to cut the bush back hard, the general rule of thumb is to prune after at least one hard freeze

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It’s Official!

Roots Nursery has passed inspection and is ready to rock-n-roll! It's a great day here at Root's...

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Boston Fern Care – Winter Cleanup

Boston Ferns are messy and need cleanup especially in the winter. Watch as Jon performs necessary boston fern care in the winter, and boy it was cold outside. Being outside for a short time in January shouldnt hurt indoor house plants if you work quickly.

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Pruning Yucca

Jon prunes a 10 foot tropical indoor yucca tree. The tallest of the yucca species, Yucca Elephantipes is known to grow up to 30 feet tall with a 15 foot spread. This would occur in the outdoor natural habitat of the mexican desert. In the home its a little more tame, but pruning can help keep your yucca vigorous and healthy.

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